Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What can I expect as part of your services?
Preparation and follow-up of all meetings usually include the following:
Collating context materials
Compiling minutes notes from flip charts, summaries
Analyzing work
Generating ownership for next steps
De-briefing on pre- and post-meeting calls with leadership regarding outcomes and actions
Managing time to effectively allow for completion of tasks on schedule
As part of our agreement, we'll identify the scope of work, process, and timeline. Bi-weekly check-in calls by phone or Skype as well as a date for a mid-project report are established within two weeks of a signed memorandum of understanding.

Elsewhere Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina, rooftop public art
Q. Can you give me more detail about your services?
Services are arranged into three categories. Of course, these groups always have overlap but I thought it might be useful to consider these segments.
Facilitation: Thoughtfully designed sessions at critical junctures in the annual non-profit cycle to help maintain momentum, sustain leadership engagement, and maximize the outcomes of the team’s work. I use time-tested facilitation methods to solve a group’s problems before your eyes. Methodology might include focused conversations for moving deep dialog into action, strategic planning, consensus building, creative brainstorming, collective impact strategies, and more. All sessions are designed to ensure everyone actively engages in productive conversation.
Development and support of effective teams: Observe and review current systems and structures; identify where leadership function can be streamlined, rearranged, or enhanced for more effective collaboration; shape goals and create shared agendas; establish a framework for productive conversations; evaluate systems and develop performance measures; expand reach from leadership team to the next tier of partners and into the community. Conceptualize and establish successful meeting agendas.
Training: Training and technical assistance to introduce new knowledge, skills, and approaches meant to increase engagement of new and veteran members. Based on a pre-determined training plan, develop customized sessions around topics identified as relevant for learning. Development of live or virtual information and skills building sessions as well as access to online tools and/or regular information updates.
Q. Still have questions?
Contact me here